Thursday, August 12, 2010

Game1 - Welcome to the game world of Gen Y XD


Fatal Frame (video game) is a Japan survival horror series which especially famous in Asia. It has totally four series from 2001 to 2008, which is: Zero, Crimson Butterfly, The Tormented and The mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Different from other ‘normal’ horror game, the only weapon in this series is the camera. Our main characters have to use a special camera that mixing western technology and eastern traditional super power to shot the ghost image and limited their power.

Because it is a Japanese game, the name of game in original language, plot and the ceremony is the most important things inside the game. The name of this series Zero (also the name of the first series) is meaning the under world as a representation of ‘nothing’, ‘original’, the started point and the end of life. The games showed a kind of mystery old Japanese superstitions culture, which is quite interesting when compare to modern society. The main idea of this series can be the ceremony. Those ceremonies always show a sense of sacrifice, pain, rules and with a sad ending. It is quite similar when compare with some western religions. For example, in the game, people belief that a miko (a sacred female who choose with a pure spiritual) can protect the world of mortals from the invasion of the under world, similar as some of the western religions belief that pain can give people psychological power or supernatural power.

It is not surprise to see even the horror game tried to suit the global game market on many ways. General to say, Fatal Frame usually avoid the violence image such as the blood or killing somebody (expect the ceremony) in the game, also the sexy image although most of the character is female. However, since the third series ‘The Tormented’, some of the characters started to have sexy wearing and even the naked shower image. After finished the story model, player can buy clothes and ornament for the main characters that make the game more entertainment for young generation (that mean us :D) especially males. Those marketing strategy also appeared on the later version of Crimson Butterfly on XBOX, player suddenly found that two female characters were wearing sexy swimsuit.

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